
  • Dog relocation

    Precious Cargo: Relocating Your Dog Internationally

    After the initial excitement of learning that Hubby was offered a promotion with his company and that we would be relocating to Boston, anxiety about getting our four-legged family member to another country began to set in. There was never any question that our beloved pooch, Pinot, would come...
  • Spread Some Puppy Love by Volunteering with your Dog

    ‘Tis the season for giving. The holiday season is here and with it, comes inspiration to give back to others. And like most things in life, it’s always easier when you’ve got a buddy to do it with. But did you ever think about teaming up with your furry...
  • West Coast Dog Run Singapore

    Doggie Day Out

    Is your beloved pooch giving you those sad puppy eyes (yes, you know that look!) and making you feel guilty every time you leave the house without him? If you’re one of those people who can’t bear to be parted from your pooch for long periods of time (I’m...
  • Healthy Dog Treats Made with Love

    When I need some yummy incentives for my pup to learn a new trick, or it’s time to get him a cake for his birthday, or when I just simply want to spoil him, I head straight to The Barkery. This adorable little bakery, equipped with its very own...
  • Adopt a Dog through Save Our Streets Adoption

    Rescue Me: Dog Adoption in Singapore

    I admit it – I’m a crazy dog lady! This ‘craziness’ has always been there – since I was a little girl – but it went up a few notches when Hubby and I adopted a dog we re-named Pinot Grigio. When we decided we were ready to bring...