Vanilla Beige

The Meal Planner that Brings Me Joy

Meal Planner

The Reluctant Housewife Blogs (Post #1) – Meal planning, the weekly chore that I dislike oh so much!

Meal planning is an agony for me!

I live to eat, but my family members eat to live. They claim they aren’t picky about what appears on the table. Toast every night is OK with them. But trust me, that is not OK with me. One is Vegetarian, one doesn’t eat meat (but may eat chicken and fish—only in certain ways), and the other is a picky kid who only seems to eat beige food.

I, on the other hand, thrive on variety. Food inspires and excites me. I love fine dining, different cuisines, cafe food, pastries, great big steaming bowls of noodle soups—you name it! However, being the everyday meal planner and organizer for all of us is that weekly chore that I dislike, especially because I know I’ll have to prep, cook, and clean afterwards.

The meal planner that brings me joy

So, not that this helps with the prepping, cooking or cleaning, but I have a meal planner to help me. I love my planners – just have a look at our shop and our selection on Amazon. This meal planner I designed gives me great joy because:

What helps me may help you, so it’s FREE

So, in case this helps you, here are my meal planners in US Letter for you to download and print at your leisure. Hopefully, it will ease your pain as much as it has eased mine. And since I know not every brain functions like mine, here are some options

  1. The Monday to Sunday Meal Planner with space for breakfast, lunch and dinner
  2. The Monday to Sunday Meal Planner with one large area to write in
  3. The Sunday to Saturday Meal Planner with space for breakfast, lunch and dinner
  4. The Sunday to Saturday Meal Planner with one large area to write in

Download any or all of them below! If you use them and would like to share, be sure to tag me on Instagram @vanilla.beige or @vanillanotes. I would love to see how you plan your meals. I’ll also put a reel up on how I use my meal planner.

PS. About the Reluctant Housewife

The Reluctant Housewife blogs will be my ramblings on living in the wilds of New Jersey after a hedonistic existence as an expat in Singapore. I might write these fast and furiously or few and far between but I’ll be sure and sprinkle in some laughs, moan and groans along the way, plus printable planners if I have them.

SO sorry about the awful pictures. I wanted to get this up here so you could download them right away.

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